Security recommandations#



  • minimum of 15 characters

  • mix numbers, symbols, lower-case and upper-case letters

  • 1 account = 1 password – especially for sites that present a sensitive nature like bank, messaging, social network, etc.

  • use this government website to assess the strength of any password

  • use a password manager

  • use 2FA wherever possible (see below)

  • never text or email your passwords

  • if you give access to your account to someone, then change your password

  • be on the lookout for phishing / SPAM, and do not click on links you have not verified (even unsubscribe links)


No-one should ask you for your password, even someone from IT.

In the event of a compromise, please quickly notify IT at

2FA - Two-Factor Authentication#

Whenever a website allows it, opt-in for the two-factor authentication to strengthen your accounts.

There are three types of 2FA

  • knowledge - something only the user knows: code PIN, password etc.

  • possession - something only the user has: token key, telephone (sms), card, etc.

  • inherence - something only the user is: fingerprint, face, voice, iris recognition


Backup your data regularly and avoid travelling with your backup disks.

There are also solutions to backup your computer at APC over the network :