Available software

Scientific Software

Software Version PATH Info Availability
VISIT 3.1.4 /usr/local/visit add setenv LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT y master only
cmake 3.13.4-1 cmake all
Matlab (CC licence) R2015a /opt/matlab/MATLAB_CC/R2015a/bin/matlab should be used via modules : module load matlab/2015a-CC all
Matlab (CC licence) R2022b /soft/matlab/MATLAB_CC/R2022b/bin/matlab should be used via modules : module load matlab/2022b-CC all
Singularity 3.7.1 singularity all
Julia 1.9 /soft/julia/julia-1.9.3.sif should be used via modules : module load julia/1_9 all
root 6.22.06 root installed inside /opt/cern_root all
sagemath 9.1 /soft/sagemath/sagemath_latest.sif Singularity container
You could launch directly with path
or use a module module load sagemath/9_1
MESA r15140 /soft/mesa/mesa-r15140 http://mesa.sourceforge.net/starting.html all
sextractor 2.19.5 sextractor all
sixte 2.7.1 /soft/simput/ export SIMPUT=/soft/simput/ && export SIXTE=/soft/simput/ && . ${SIXTE}/bin/sixte-install.sh all
HEASoft 6.30.1 /soft/heasoft/ export HEADAS=/soft/heasoft/heasoft-6.30.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-libc2.28/ && . $HEADAS/headas-init.sh all
OSA 11.2 /soft/osa OSA_SINGULARITY_IMAGE=/soft/osa/integralsw-osa-11.2-2-g667521a3-20220403-190332.sif REP_BASE_PROD=/soft/osa/icdata all
DS9 /soft/ds9 all


Python Version PATH Info Availability
Python 2.7.16 python all
Python 3.7.3 python3 all
gdl 0.9.9-10 python3 all
ipython ipython & ipython3 all
numpy 1.16.2-1 python3 all
scipy 1.1.0-7 python3 all
matplotlib 3.0.2-2 python3 all
scython 0.29.2-2 python3 all
h5py 2.8.0-3 python3 all
mpi4py 2.0 python3 all
PyMultinest 2.11 python3 all
Anaconda 4.9.2 /soft/anaconda3 eval "$(/soft/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" all


Compiler Version PATH Info Availability
ifort, icc, icpc Intel Composer XE 2020 source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64 all
gcc 8.3.0 gcc all
gfortran 8.3.0 gfortran all
gdl 0.9.9-10 gdl IDL compatible incremental compiler all
idl 8.5 idl IDL compiler all


Debugger Version PATH Info Availability
gdb 8.2.1-2 gdb all


MPI Version PATH Info Availability
openmpi 3.1.3 mpirun, mpicc default all
openmpi 4.1.0 /soft/openmpi4 compiled with intel composer XE all
openmpi 3.1.6 /soft/openmpi/openmpi-3 module load openmpi/3.1.6 all
openmpi 1.10.7 /soft/openmpi/openmpi-1 module load openmpi/1.10 all
openmpi 2.1.6 /soft/openmpi/openmpi-2 module load openmpi/2.1 all


libraries Version Availability
lapack 3.8.0-2 all
fftw 3.3.8-2 all
gsl 2.5 all
atlas 3.10.3 all
hdf5 1.10.4 all
boost all
CCfits 2.5 all
CFITSIO 3.450 all
MultiNest 3.10 all (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/soft/multinest/MultiNest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH)


Anaconda is available on the cluster. To enable conda type eval "$(/soft/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" in a shell.

env about
fermi Fermi-LAT telescope analysis tools


Some software are available via module system. This allow to run/choose a particular software installed in specific PATH.
Here are the basic commands :

  • module avail : allow to see available software
  • module load <software name> : load this software
  • module unoad <software name> : unload software

You could see full documentation here : man module

While this works perfectly in the interactive session, one should probably add

. /etc/profile.d/modules.sh

before module load command in your batch scripts.

List of software available via module :

  • matlab 2015a CC
  • OpenMPI (1.10 and 3.1.6)